
EuroEAP Platform

Format & guidelines

Conference format

The EuroEAP conference has a unique format to facilitate and maximise interaction among participants and includes:

  • Keynote lecturesinvited lectures (30 mins) often addressing either a broad or in-depth topic of EAPs or a broad inspirational talk addressing an area related to EAP research or where EAPs might play a future role.
  • Invited lectures: (20 mins),given by world-leading scientists, young emerging researchers, as well as representatives of industry, presenting the latest advances in EAPs.
  • Interactive talks: short oral presentations (max 3 min) offered to all attendeesdescribing the key aspects of the work, followed by a mandatory poster presentation. Exhibitions of a prototype/product are optionally possible during the poster session.
  • Industrial talks: short presentation of recent scientific content from industry, abstract to be sent to local chair.

Important: The presentation slides and poster formats will have to be prepared according to special templates: see the section ‘Templates’.

All prototypes and products can be shown during the whole event by any attendee, at no cost.

The oral sessions are intertwined by extensive poster sessions that facilitate discussions among participants in a friendly atmosphere.

Discussions and networking continue also during the organised lunch and dinner on each day, Costs for all activities are fully included in the registration fee, which is maintained competitively low by the non-profit approach taken in organising this unique event.

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Any kind of attendee (invited or not, presenter or not) should register.
For the list of registration fees, the deadline for early registration and the instructions about registration, see ‘How to contribute and/or attend’.
Attendees are invited to pay attention that after the deadline for early registration the fee will increase by € 100.00.


Abstracts & maximum number of contributions

Each registered attendee is entitled to present up to two contributions.
Participants should submit each contribution in the form of an Interactive talk, namely a short oral presentation followed by a poster.

Invited speakers are expected to give only an oral presentation (although they might optionally present also an additional contribution in the form of an Interactive talk like anyone else).

Any contribution (invited or not) requires the submission of an abstract, having a maximum length of 1500 characters. For instructions and deadline about abstract submission, see ‘How to contribute and/or attend’.

Each contribution should be associated to only one registered attendee.
Any contribution not associated to a registration will be excluded from the final programme and conference proceedings.


Computers for presentations

 All presenters are invited to use for their presentations the conference PC. Thus, they are invited to upload the presentations via memory sticks before the session start.

Alternatively, usage of personal laptops is allowed, but it is mandatory to check compatibility with the projection system, before the session start.
During poster sessions, the conference PC will be available for rehearsal / compatibility test of slides.



The conference proceedings will consist of the following material:

  • For invited presentations:
    a PDF file of a 1-page-long extended abstract of the presentation. 
    Presenters are kindly requested to prepare the document according to the template available in the section ‘Templates’.
  • For interactive talks:
    a PDF file of the poster. Presenters are kindly requested to prepare the poster according to the template available in the section ‘Templates’.

For instructions and deadline about the submission of the contributions, see ‘How to contribute and/or attend’.

The conference proceedings will be made available for download from the EuroEAP website.
Therefore, presenters are informed that the uploaded contributions (extended abstracts and poster files) should not contain any material covered by copyright or information that the authors are not willing to disclose.



Attendees interested in having an exhibition (Prototypes and/or products), should send an expression of interest from their Personal Area on the online EuroEAP system, which is also used for registration and abstract submission: see ‘How to contribute and/or attend’.


Summary of guidelines for contributions

The following table provides an overview of the categories of contributions and their guidelines.

What contributions

Why to contribute

Who should contribute How to contribute at the conference How to contribute to the proceedings How many contributions
Plenary talks To provide comprehensive and authoritative views Invited speakers Oral presentation:
30 minutes long (including 5 minutes of discussion)
Extended abstract (see ‘Templates’) Maximum 1 presentation per invited speaker
Invited talks To report on or to review results of outstanding relevance Invited speakers Oral presentation:
20 minutes long (including 5 minutes of discussion)
Extended abstract (see ‘Templates’) Maximum 1 presentation per invited speaker

Interactive talks followed

by poster presentations

To communicate shortly (“in a pitch”) the significance of a work, which shoud then be presented more extesively with a poster Non-invited presenters

Oral presentation:
- see ‘Templates
- 3 minutes long

followed by 

poster presentation: - see ‘Templates

  Poster file (see ‘Templates’) Maximum 2 presentations per attendee
Exhibitions of EAP prototypes and products To show up demos Interested attendees Demos exhibited during the poster sessions, on tables close to related posters .   Maximum 2 exhibitions per attendee




Abstract Submission:

Short guide on how to submit your abstract.
Please note that abstract submission is performed online from the Personal Area on the EuroEAP system.
To access the Area, visit the ‘EuroEAP user login’ .

Template for invited presenters:

Templates for non-invited presenters (Interactive talks):

Template for industrial talks:


Printing of posters

Presenters are responsible to bring to the event their own posters. No local printing service will be available on site.