
EuroEAP Platform

EuroEAP society challenge

EuroEAP society challenge

The EuroEAP Society annually issues a call for the Society Challenge. The challenge is an open competition where teams of talented researchers can showcase a project of their choice and compete with colleagues in academia and industry. The final aim of the Challenge is to captivate and inspire the imagination of experts and the public alike with the possibilities that soft smart materials and soft transducers empower.

Past challenges were focused on Electromechanically Active Polymers. From 2023, the challenge expanded its scope to soft smart materials and soft transducers. Each team should build and test new material/device/system, presenting a demo that performs a given task or function of their choice. As the Challenge has no predefined goals, participants have the opportunity to showcase their pet projects, which may be fun or interesting, not necessarily of profound scientific importance. There are no restrictions on the type of technology to be utilised or the required functionality/application to be obtained.

The announcement of the winning teams takes place at the EuroEAP Conference, where the projects should be exhibited.